I just try to be right, fit myself into my thoughts.
This, may not fit as an article, but is intended to change the view of the cults who are not still able to realize the drastic transformation that women in India undergo during her forced-sacrificing teenage to the unfortunately miserable adulthood. And yes! I have a reason to every sentence that provoked a question in your wandering minds. Women, from the times of Muslim rules in India do not enjoy much equality and stature in the social setup, neither they are considered important enough to impart adequate education. They are still secondary to the primary position for men, nothing has changed much, even the minds of the Hindus were totally manipulated, they actually feared for their women's safety rather than curbing their rights to step out of the four walls.
And now, like chaff, they are grounded between depressing social norms and excessive imitation of Western culture. Why western culture is a cause? There is a huge difference between Indian thoughts and Western living style. Tradition of a country entirely relies on its climate, ancestral living patterns, religions and virtues. Western culture thrives on freedom and personal space or individuality, on the other hand, India is all about family's personal bonds and responsibilities for each other. Although, birth of a girl is no more a liability, thanks to responsible change makers of our society, threat is now more on their character and up-bringing. The Indian norms are not amended, they are more confusing now. Parents get them educated from the best of the schools possible, tell them to stand on their own feet, guide them right but fail to fight the fact that India is still India. She takes a step ahead and you drag her back for your society is full narrow-minds.
You can not provide much freedom to your princess for her career, again they fear for future safety. Women remain the chaff. Her identity is still dependent on her father or husband, none of hers own.
Property rights, 33% reservation in legislature, and much more about women empowerment, but is confined to a fewer minds. She fights for her own identity, unfair it is. Why i probe to her identity? Because I have empathy for women, because I am a woman and a responsible one.
Change is needed and 'WE' are the change.