Wednesday, March 3, 2010

breaking the habit

Experiencing: my honesty, unforgettable friendship, unexpected care, long talks, divinity in the world, or sharing a heart. And i guess they have just become everything. If i start writing about the past week, this post may take episodes to i will try to brief my belief and grief. A day before the most recent day I was (how to explain..uh) unable to handle few misunderstandings and frustrations (everybody's everyday story, but yet they say "its unique" and me too), and was bewildered at close friend's behavior. I let things go, i left. Wandering in my past, i tried to focus on the situation but somehow couldn't do it. As i was confused in my own wordless-world, it made things better for me. I helped mom (..cared for the very first time but being honest i would say it was just to avoid unfortunate clashes), i talked to a friend heart to heart(..shared but being honest i blurred the facts too), i apologized (..honesty to myself...kept my ego aside but being honest i needed her badly), i smiled at my frustrations(..friendship because i had no other way)...the world is happy indeed (+ 1 smile i earned on my own).

One thing that I've started lately is to do at least one new thing everyday(being it a gesture, a weird smile, a cup of coffee or tea, undoing a paper or curling my hair...any random behavior in different way...that i haven't tried ever in this life), just to break monotony. I can see the difference.
